Team/Committee Meetings ahead

Be a part of new teams gathering with energy and initiative for our church together! Both teams are open to new people and just getting started, and invite more voices/perspectives.

the Welcome team will meet in person this Sunday 9/15 following Getting Connected (approx. 12:30-1:30pm).

the Stewardship/Giving team will meet next Wednesday 9/18 at 7:00pm on Zoom here.

Oktoberfest Volunteers
Saturday, Sept. 28

We're throwing a community Oktoberfest as a fundraiser and what we hope will become a big annual community event. Volunteers are needed - please check out the list and sign up here.

Spirit of Georgetown, 10/8

Each Fall, the Georgetown Ministry Center holds a fundraising reception to promote and raise money for its programs to serve the chronically homeless in Washington. The reception is called Spirit of Georgetown and it us being organized for October 8 at a Georgetown home. This year’s honoree is Abbe Lowell, a longtime volunteer at GMC's drop-in center at Grace Episcopal Church. Donations to this event are vital to operating the drop-in center and its affiliated pop-up at our own Georgetown Lutheran Church. 

The reception hosts are Ezra and Jessica Glass. Amanda Klingler, Ann Malekzadeh, Alicia O’Brien and Claire Wilder are co-chairing the event.

Anyone who donates between $250 and $10,000 will be named to the Benefit Committee and will receive two tickets to the reception. The deadline is Sept. 23.

Individual tickets can be purchased with a $215 donation.  Information is available at

If you have questions, please see John Henry or contact him at 202-378-6612. He is our congregation’s representative to the Ministry Center board. Or questions can be directed to Pastor Brett, who also is a board member. 

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Young Adults in Global Mission: Applications Open!

Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) is a one-year, international service-learning and faith-formation opportunity in churches and social service ministries for young adults, ages 21-35.
Young adults serve alongside Lutheran companion church bodies and organizations in one of four country programs around the world, being shaped by the witness of our global neighbors in a cross-cultural journey of faith. Current country programs are projected to be: Argentina & Uruguay, Central Europe, Mexico, Senegal, the United Kingdom, and Cambodia. Learn more and apply here:

Come make a joyful noise with Choir!

Our choir is small but mighty and we are looking to expand. 
We have resumed rehearsals at 9 am (most?) Sundays. Please consider joining us. You will discover it is so much fun to create something beautiful! Can't attend every rehearsal? We rehearse music for several weeks in advance so everyone is comfortable with it. Reluctant to commit? Give it a try with no obligation. Check out what we do, then decide. Worried you won't fit in? We are all ages, all ability levels and all learning.
Interested? Talk with music director Pat or any choir member.

The GMC "Pop-Up"
Monday through Thursdays, 8am-noon, here at church

Our church is the site of the Georgetown Ministry Center "pop-up" location, serving as a second site for their drop-in center for folks experiencing homelesness in our community. Four mornings a week, the doors are open for all, with a GMC staff member overseeing the program. The pop-up offers shelter and a place of respite and safe rest for many, as well as coffee/snacks, laundry, connection to services, and more. GMC staff offer occasional programs in the space, as well as case management and support toward health and housing for all. 

As a congregation we are proud to be a founding member organization of GMC, and have supported many programs and acute needs in the past, including winter shelter, meals, and more. Currently we regularly make breakfast burritos to stock our freezer for the pop-up guests, and participate in other seasonal support events. View more about GMC, its programs, current, needs, and ways to volunteer at their website here:

Thrivent Members: Raise your Hands!

Are you a member of Thrivent? It is a financial non-profit (formerly Thrivent Financial for Lutherans), and members can apply for a number of "Action Team" grants annually to support service or outreach projects. We're not asking anyone to join who isn't, but inviting Thrivent members to let Pastor Brett or Stacey Marien ( in our office know, so that we can connect you with possible project opportunities to utilize your grants. Thanks in advance!

Worship Volunteers Needed
Serving at GLC

Worship volunteers needed (readers, tech host, greeter, etc.) for this and weeks ahead! Sign up at church or through the signup genius page  here

Planning to worship with us for the first time? Checking out the worship bulletin (above) or a worship livestream (below) can give you a good sense, as well as our  "what to expect" list here.

Garden Volunteers Needed!

All Volunteers welcome

GLC's gardens are a bright spot in our neighborhood, much appreciated by neighbors. But the expansive grounds take a lot of tending. Please consider joining our volunteer gardeners, who tackle weeding, trimming, raking, etc. on their own schedules. Tools are provided. To be added to our email group, please send an email to And thank you!

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