Prospective & New Members: Getting Connected, Sept 15

If you're new to the GLC community, or would like to meet people who are, come join in for Getting Connected, 11:15-12:15 in the fellowship hall, Sept 15.

Getting Connected is a gathering to learn more about GLC and each other. It's open to any who are curious, and especially those considering church membership. Come if you've been before, are interested in joining, or a current member wanting to welcome others! Pastor Brett will share a bit about GLC, what it means to be a Lutheran Christian and a member of our church community. For those interested in joining, we'll celebrate welcoming you as members in the context of worship sometime soon. Questions? Interested? Talk with Pastor Brett (contact info on back of bulletin)!


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Zoom Study: Civic Life & Faith

Zoom (Bible) study is back to Thursday evenings at 7:30 for a six-session series Civic Life and Faith, now through the end of September. You’re invited to join in whenever you can.  If you’re interested or plan to join view the study participant guide HERE. You can read the draft ELCA social statement on Civic Life & Faith here.

Find the Zoom link HERE

Little Lutherans and Sunday School
Attention parents and kids!

Little Lutherans (parents and birth to pre-K) and Sunday School (school age kids seeks to support kids (and parents!) growing in faith together. We offer these classes on the second and fourth Sundays at 9:00am.  The next class is Sept 22

 Click here to view our 2024 schedule (includes topics and special activity dates).

Oktoberfest, Sept 28

We're having a big, festive Oktoberfest here at GLC on Sat, September 28. Kicking it off in 2024, we're hoping this will become a big annual tradition. Founded by Germans in the 1760s, our congregation loves to have a good party and open our doors to the community. All the proceeds from this year's Oktoberfest will go toward restoration and renovation work happening on our building exterior, for our historic church which is such a community center and visible part of the neighborhood. Ticket information is  HERE and volunteer info can be found  HERE.

 Questions? Contact GLC president Cassandra K., or Pastor Brett.


Confirmation for Youth & Adults

If you are between 12 and 102, and interested in a confirmation program to learn about faith, the foundational texts of scripture and the catechism, and affirm your faith, Pastor Brett wants to hear from you. We're putting together learning opportunities for the next year and will be offering confirmation for adults and youth, as well as units/brief series anyone can drop in and learn.

Study Guides & Resources

On our Read & Explore Faith page there are a few blog entries on various topics, which also point in the direction of further resources. We've also (just) started a Goodreads page to share reviews of different books - detail here.
Early in the summer we had two one-session topic studies - on topics which, given current events, our wider church has encouraged us to study our denomination's statements and faith perspective/resources on.  Pastor Brett created a study guide for self study or learning more about each topic: Abortion and Community Violence.