Lent: Prayers & Practice to Equip You

The church season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (March 5 this year) and leads into Holy Week and Easter. This season is often a time people intentionally explore or seek to deepen faith by learning, worship, or new faith practices. This coming Lent, Pastor Brett invites you to join in prayers and practices to equip you, reading together and trying practices from the little book Prayer: Forty Days of Practice. Please sign up HERE if you'd like to reserve a copy of the book - that will help us know how many to order, but we'll order more to invite everyone! The book will be a $7 donation for all who can afford. We're looking forward to this time together to grow and be held and curious in prayer.

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Transfiguration Sunday 3/2 Celebrations & Brunch

The last Sunday before Lent begins is Transfiguration Sunday, and this year it's March 2, and we have a lot to celebrate. At each worship service we'll dedicate our newly restored bell tower and plaza, and welcome new members into our congregation. Following the tradition of Shrove/Fat Tuesday a couple days early, join us for a potluck pancake brunch after each worship service! We'll gather in the fellowship hall after worship - bring a friend! GLC will provide pancakes, and juice - bring something to share (sign up HERE to help us plan), or just bring you and plan to join us.

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Weekly Bible Study on Zoom

Pastor Brett invites all to weekly Bible study on Zoom, Thursdays, 7:30-8:30pm  on Zoom here.  There's no preparation or experience needed to join us at any time for Bible study - just jump in when you can! We read and learn together, currently each week reading the scriptures for the coming Sunday. It's also a good way to get to know people and grow by sharing our faith and questions. 

Little Lutherans and Sunday School

Attention parents and kids!

Little Lutherans (parents and birth to pre-K) and Sunday School (school age kids) seeks to support kids (and parents!) growing in faith together. We resume our pattern of class on the second and fourth Sundays of each month.  Next gatherings are  2/23 and 3/9

Study Guides & Resources

On our Read & Explore Faith page there are a few blog entries on various topics, which also point in the direction of further resources. We've also (just) started a Goodreads page to share reviews of different books - detail here.
Early in the summer we had two one-session topic studies - on topics which, given current events, our wider church has encouraged us to study our denomination's statements and faith perspective/resources on.  Pastor Brett created a study guide for self study or learning more about each topic: Abortion and Community Violence.