What does it mean to be a church member?

We believe that being a member means that GLC is your church "home" and you commit to living your baptism in our Christian community. Church membership generally includes baptized adults. If you are an adult who has not been baptized, please let the pastor know - It's an open invitation. Our congregation is member led. Members have voice and vote at congregational meetings to elect our congregational leabers, call pastors, vote on budgets, and move forward the mission of the church - the membership IS the church.

Faithful membership looks like
  • praying for the mission and ministry of GLC.
  • attending worship services and activities at GLC that both challenge and strengthen my faith.
  • participating and serving others in life-giving ways that utilize my talents and interests.
  • getting to know people in the GLC community, building new relationships with others.
  • inviting others to be part of the life and faith of GLC.
  • receiving Holy Communion and making promises to support the faith of others at baptism.
  • support the mission and ministry of GLC wiht financial giving that feels generous.
  • knowing that I am the church - and I have part in shaping it and helping it grow stronger where it needs!
  • knowing that GLC needs members with a variety of skills and abilities to continue and grow God's good work, I discern and do my part.
  • wanting to be an active member in this body of Christ and believing there is a place for me here!

What would you add?

Fun Fact: The ELCA tries to quantify church membership by recording measureable statistics (presence in worship at least once a year and give a financial gift at least once a year). At GLC we all express our membership in this body differently.  The list above is simply to invite you to think about what membership means to you.

Membership process at GLC

- We believe that becoming a member means saying that you commit to working on your Christian life here in our community. It doesn't mean you've arrived or have all the answers or have figured out any big faith questions. Wherever you are in your faith journey, becoming a member means you plan to grow together with us from here.

- We offer regular and upon request sessions of "Getting Connected," which is a one-session class with prospective new members and current members, to get to know each other, GLC, and church membership. The goal isn't so much to learn everything, but to welcome folks and create connections.

- Generally a one-on-one visit with the pastor happens before or after this session. The pastor is interested in knowing your story, questions you have, and how to support you.

- Joining happens in the context of worship, through a part of the liturgy called "affirmation of baptism." We all together recommit to Christian life together, and as you pledge to join us in mission together here, we promise to support you as well. If you're curious, the liturgy generally looks like this.

I'm ready to join! Forms & Info

 - Once you're ready to join, a little paperwork: please fill in this new member form (for your reflection and our internal records) and new member bio (to be shared publicly for others to get to know you).

 - We'll send you an invite link to Breeze, our online member directory (info here), a members-only password protected site where you can update your info and view other members.

 - Automating your giving is a faithful, sustaining way to make your offering a part of your regular budget and sustaining for our ministry together.  Select the Give Online Now button through georgetownlutheran.com/give to set up a recurring gift or many members choose to set it up through their bank.